вторник, 12 июля 2011 г.

System Description of diagnosis

Description of diagnosis
4A-FE (version with lean combustion system).
The electronic control unit has a built-in current samodi ¬ agnostics, which signals to the transducer continuously monitors Cove ¬ ¬ tion state of the engine. In case of malfunction, the system identi ¬ fitsiruet her and informs the driver signal, "CHECK" (check engine), you svechivaetsya ¬ warning light, located on the dashboard. By analyzing various signals (see below the table of diagnostic codes), the electroniccontrol unit determines the failed systems were in ¬ rank of operational parameters recorded by the appropriate sensor or executive fur ¬ nisms. ¬ light alerting signal is on the dashboard Institute ¬ forming the driver of the presence of unutilized ¬ rectified (but not all the codes you ¬ svechivayutsya on the dashboard). The alarm stops automatically after the fault ¬ STI. However, the electronic control unit stores (stores) in the memory codes are not ¬ -
correctly (except the code number 16), the bound with corresponding failure, as long as the diagnostic system ¬ subject is blank (not "reset''in-formation) by turning off the keepers before ¬" 5TOR "15A (AE) or "ERG 15A (AT, and AE102 (7A-FE)) when the ignition is off. The diagnostic code can be identified the number of blinks on the control-term lamp "CHECK" at the findings contained "TE1" and "E1" On the diagnostic connector. In the presence of 2 or more failures of their display begins with the smallest ¬ etsya code (which has the smallest number) and then continue ¬ zhaetsya in ascending order. Note: The engine-4A DE (AE92, AM11, AT160) release from 1987 translation of the current diagnostic mode by self-bridging you vodov "T" and "E1"
System self-test engines 5A-PE (AE110), 4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 7A-FE contain the second type of self - in the mode of testing (testing) system. In this case, the presence of faults electronic control unit and ignition ¬ Gaeta warning lamp on the instrument panel, highlighting the additional fault codes those that are not detected in normal mode-term (current) self (except for code number 42, 43 and 51). In this case, to bring the system self test mode to ne-remknut findings "TE2" and "E1" diagnostic acoustic slots should be closed, as shown below. In test mode, even after the fault code it is saved in the memory unit of the electron ¬ control after turning off the bandits for ¬ (except for code number 42, 43 and 51) is similar to what takes place when the current self-test. The choice of integer yes ¬ self (the "current" or "testing") is the corresponding closure ¬ sponding findings TE1, TE2 and E1 of the diagnostic connector ¬ EMA, as will be shown below. Test mode is used for troubleshooting, but that work ¬ determined in normal mode (current) self (eg, breach of contact). Samodiagnosti ¬ ka testing can use vatsya ¬ ¬ compliance by professional research institutes of the procedure under-trial findings of diagnostic connector and a certain sequence ¬ sequence of operations (see below). The use of road test, the third type of diagnosis, has the following ¬ ing purposes: reproduction (imitation ¬ tion) driving modes in which you ¬ is given a diagnostic code and test the usefulness ¬ GOVERNMENTAL made repairs.
The control lamp "CHECK"
1. Indicator Lamp not ¬ serviceability "CHECK" - ¬ warning giving light signal, represented ¬ lyayuschy a light board at the pas ¬ nonlinear devices, including light is on when the ignition is chennom ¬ and ¬ schem broken engine.
2. After starting the engine lamp "CHECK" to go out. If the MIL stays on when the engine is running, this value of cheat the system diagnostics warn of trouble with the motion ¬ gatelya or its systems.
The conclusion to the diagnostic ¬ charges in the current mode of diagnosis itself ¬
To obtain the output of diagnostic ¬ REFLECTION code must perform the following procedure.
1. Check the initial conditions.
a) Battery voltage ba ¬ tarei - not below 11 volts.
b) Throttle - of fully closed (pin sensor "YU1_" - throttle - closed).
c) the gear lever in neutral or selective torus automatic transmission in "P".
d) Switches optional equipment - off of the provisions (ORS).
d) The engine warmed to normal operating temperature.
2. Turn on the ignition, but not zapus ¬ kite engine.
3. Short out the conclusions of the diag-nosticheskogo connector:
• (4A-BE (AT160 and AE92) release from 1987), "T" and "E1".
• (4A-FE, 5A-FE, 7A-FE and 4A-OE (AE92 release from 1987)) "TE1" and "E1".
Pearce mychi
4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180) 4A-WE (AE92 release in 1989), 7A-FE (AE93).
4. Read the diagnostic code by the number of blinks (flashes) con ¬ checksum lamp "CHECK (Diagnostic codes below in the table).
The system self-diagnostics firm "Touo! And" uses two types of codes. First - Type 09 (4A-WE (model vypus ¬ ka in 1987 excluding flow temperature ¬ ha)). This is a two-digit code with the following parameters ¬ schimi. Pulse width - 0.5 seconds. Pause between pulses - 0.5 seconds. Pause between tens and units - 1.5 seconds. Pause between codes - 2.5 seconds. Pause between cross-tories codes - 4.5 seconds. The second type (4A-FE, 5A-FE, 7A-FE and 4A-WE (model release in 1989 with a flow meter of air)) of the code used by "Touo! And" - type 10. This is a unique code. where the number of pulses equal to the code problem. Its parameters are the following ¬ blowing. Pulse width - 0.5 seconds. Pause between pulses - 0.5 seconds. Pause between codes - 2.5 seconds. Pause between the series of codes - 4.5 sec ¬ kunda.
The form of the diagnostic codes for 4A-OE (AT160, AM11, AE92 you start with ¬ in 1987 without flow
a) Normal operation of the system (code number 1) (no fault). The control lamp "CHECK" flashes once every 4.5 seconds. ¬ length sequence of each pulse (flash) - 0.5 seconds.
The form of the diagnostic codes for 4A-GE (AT160, ASH11, AE92 release in 1987 with the temperature meter ¬ ha), 4A-RB (AE92, AE95, AT171, AT180, AE101, AT190), 5A-FE (AE110), 7A- RB, 4A-SB (AE92 issue since 1989)]
a) Normal operation of the system (no fault). The warning lamp comes on and off at intervals of 0.25 seconds.
b) Display of error codes. When a fault lamp blinks every 0.5 seconds. The first sequence of flashes corresponding to the first number corresponds to the ¬ ¬ REFLECTION diagnostic code, which consists of two numbers. After a pause of 1.5 seconds is displayed second follower ¬ sion bursts corresponding second number of code. In the presence of two or more fault codes in the derivation is established between them ¬ Vaeth interval of 2.5 seconds.
After all the codes are derived, a pause in 4.5 seconds, and then all of them are repeated until the findings and T "E1 (4A-GE (AE92 AT160 and registration from 1987)) or the" TE1 "and" E1 " (4A-CE, 4A-FE, 4A-CE, 5A-FE, 7A-FE) diagnostic connector shorted. Note: In case of multiple fault codes, display them starting ¬ gins with less code and extends ¬ etsya on increasing. ) (5A-PE (AE110), 4A-FE (AE101, AT190), 7A-FE) electronic control of these engines use a two-step algorithm ¬ profiteth determine fault.
1 - fixing long-headed failure time (pre ¬ tion is brought into memory), 2 - fixing FAULTS second time (the warning lamp lights up), 3 - the ignition is turned off, 4 - second ¬ second cycle, 5 - the first cycle, 6 - the ignition is turned on.
When you write code 21 and 25 (4A-FE (AE101, AT190), 7A-FE) uses a two-step algorithm, Xia. He is for ¬ cluded that in the manifestation ¬ Institute of failure for the first time, the code is temporarily stored in memory electronic control unit. Es ¬ Is this the same fault is fixed ¬ etsya during the second test ¬ Nogo driving test, in this case ¬ case the warning lamp lights up. The second driving test is conducted on-vtorno. In the same mode. (However, the first and second tests-state driving cycles the ignition must be switched off). When self-test mode mec-tirovaniya (second mode of self), the warning lamp is activated when first pro ¬ phenomenon fault. 5. Upon completion of diagnostics, remove the jumper from the diagnostic connector.
The conclusion to the diagnostic ¬ charges in test mode Note:
- Compared to conventional self-diagnosis, self-diagnosis test mode has an increased sensitivity to certain problems.
- It allows you to define FAULTS in electrical circuits of the system start-up, system-conditioning tsionirovaniya air, as well as in an electrical circuit signaling the neutral position lever ("switch" neutral.)
- Moreover, the self-test in test mode allows you to identify faults, which are fixed-rye and the usual self-diagnosis.
To obtain the output of diagnostic ¬ REFLECTION code in test mode, follow these procedures.
1. Check the initial conditions.
a) Battery voltage ba ¬ tarei - not below 11 volts.
b) Throttle - of fully closed.
c) the gear lever in neutral or selective ¬ torus automatic transmission in "P".
d) Switches optional equipment - off polo ¬ zhenii (0RR).
d) The engine warmed to normal operating temperature.
4. Turn the ignition key (obi), and the system will be self-ma-functional nirovat in test mode. Please note: proof that the system operates in self-testing of Bani, a flashing control lamp ¬ Noah "CHECK" with the ignition. The time between the end and beginning of consecutive pulses (shots), that is skvazh ¬ sion of pulses of 0.13 sec.
5. Start the engine and start the motion of the car ¬ mapping a speed of 10 km / h or higher.
6. Simulate a situation in which the description of the client shows interferences.
7. Peremknite with a jumper findings "TE1" and "E1" diagnostic connector.
8. Read diagnostic trouble codes on the number of outbreaks of the control llamas ¬ nN "CHECK".
9. Upon completion of diagnosis, from ¬ connect the wires from the diagnostic connector.
Please note:
- The system will not go into test mode if the findings "TE2" and "E1" will be bridged after then ¬ th, as the ignition.
- If you do not make the 5th stage of the test cycle (road test), the signals of starting (starter) and the speed of automo ¬ A will be fixed elec ¬ block throne as defective ¬ STI, and the warning light will be withdrawn codes № 42 and № 43.
5A-FE (AE110): When the air conditioner or by holding down the accelerator pedal shows the code number 51 ("the inclusion of air conditioning") that, but that is not a lyaetsya-fault.
4A-FE (AT190), 7A-FE:
If the selector is set to Auto, "D", "2" or "I" or, if enabled (obi), air conditioning ¬ ner, or if the accelerator pedal fully depressed, the derivation converges ¬ code number 51 ("the inclusion of conditioning ¬ tsionera "), which, however, is not a sign of malfunction ¬ Xia
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