вторник, 12 июля 2011 г.

Checking Checking starter armature

Checking Checking starter armature
b) Tighten the nuts. Torque. 17 Nm
1. Check for open circuit between the sections of the armature winding and the plate collector. With ohmmeter measure the resistance between the fins ¬ tance of the collector. Resistance should tend to 0, ie circuit should be closed. If the resistance between any of the fins tends to infinity ¬ sion, ie, open circuit, then replace ¬ filamentary anchor.
If the resistance tends to 0, ie circuit is closed, replace the anchor.
1. Inspect the working surfaces of blades collector, with their pollution ¬ Britain and stick you clean work surfaces with sandpaper or protochite № 400 on the collector then ¬ Carnot machine.
2. Set an anchor on the prism and the beating of merte collector. Maximum allowable runout 0.05 mm header
Nominal diameter collector starter: without gear and the planetary
gearbox. 28 mm
with a conventional gearbox. 30 mm
The minimum allowable diameter collector starter: without gear and the planetary
gearbox. 27 mm
with a conventional gearbox. 29 mm
If the diameter of the reservoir is less than the minimum value, then replace the starter armature. 4. Make sure that the grooves between fins du ¬ collector was of contamination and debris. Nominal value of protrusion
Slat Collector 0.6 mm
The minimum allowable value of 0.2 mm protrusion of the lamella
Check the stator
1. Check for broken coils
With ohmmeter, measure the resistance between terminal conductivity and even wire brushes, as the decree ¬ but the figure.
If the resistance goes to infinity, ie goal is open, then replace the starter housing assembly with a stator winding.
2. Check for any fault on the stator windings, to ground. Measure the resistance between the stator coils of ¬ and housing. If the resistance is small, then replace ¬ filamentary starter housing assembly with a stator coils of ¬.
Check brushes
With the help of calipers merte height brushes. The nominal height of old brushes ¬ tera:
16 mm without gear
with planetary gear .. 14 mm
with a conventional gearbox. 13.5 mm
Minimum permissible height of the brush starter:
10 mm without gear
with planetary gears 9 mm
with a conventional gearbox. 8.5 mm
If the height of the brush is less than minimally acceptable value, replace the brush.
Replacement brushes (for a starter with a planetary gear) Warning: may be replaced only two brushes on the positive Nogo ¬ O Brush from the same negative inference should be relatively ¬ ¬ replace Xia, together with the brush holders.
a) Cut the wire brush with one hundred-hand slot.
b) Clean the site with the aid spikes ¬ aid of skins and plug tweak.
Please note: a place to clean up to be so small that it should be forgotten-titsya about how not to damage the winding.
The nominal width of 5.0 mm
The nominal thickness of 1.5 -1 7 mm
g) Solder the compression of a part and for clean-up cloth nominal size:
The nominal width of 7.0 mm
The nominal thickness of 3.3 mm

(With 3.3 mm
W g.

7 mm

Please note:
• Carefully warm the piece before soldering the solder and apply to the plate and not on the wire.
• Do not allow the solder to the coil.
Check brush springs
Measure using the spring balance to-brush springs attraction at the time of separation from the brush.
Rated capacity of the spring starter brushes: without gear and the planetary
1.4-1.6 kg gear (14-16 h)
conventional gear
1,785-2,415 kg (18 - 24 N)
Minimum force springs brushes starter:
without gear and the planetary
Gear 1.0 kg (10 N)
with the usual gear ... 1.2 kg (12 N)
If the spring force does not corresponds to the specified range, then replace those springs, brushes.
Check Brush holder
Check the insulation of brush arm .. With ohmmeter check the resistance between the plus "+" or minus "-" brush holders tends to infinity, ie open circuit. If the resistance is equal to "0", circuit is closed replace those ¬ brush holder.
Check freewheel and gears
1. Inspect the working surfaces of the teeth leading and intermediate gears and pinions overrunning MUF ¬ you're in the presence of increased wear or chipping.
If there is wear or damage-making gear or replace the entire unit freewheel. If there are scratches or chips on the surfaces of gear teeth of drive, check the working surfaces of the teeth flywheel ring gear.
b) Measure the inside diameter of the bearing. Nominal bearing 15,000 - 15.035 mm
2. Check the overrunning clutch. Verify that the drive gear rotates clockwise (1) is free, and anti-clockwise - not spinning (2).
If conditions are not met, then replace the overrunning clutch.
Check carrier and bearings sources (for a starter with regard ¬ tary gear)
1. Check the carrier and bearings, as well) with a micrometer, measure the outside diameter of ¬ are landing on the surface of a carrier bearing. Rated
74.035 -15.000 mm diameter
c) Calculate the magnitude of the gap between the bearing and led by subtracting the dia ¬ meter of the axis of the inner diameter of the carrier ¬ meter of the bearing.
Nominal gap 0.03 - 0.04 mm
The maximum gap of 0.1 - 0.2 mm
If the gap exceeds the maximum value, then replace the cage and under ¬ bearings.
2. If necessary, replace the bearing. a) With the help of puller remove the bearing.
b) With the help of the press and a mandrel for ¬ Press the new bearing, as shown by ¬ in the figure.

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