4A-FE version with lean combustion system.
Remove the vacuum modulator system ¬ we exhaust gas recirculation. To do this, disconnect the hose from the modulator 3 and the hose from the valve system threads ¬ ¬ ha EGR call. Then unscrew the nut and remove the vacuum modulator.
12. Remove the throttle over-slonki (see "Fuel Injection System").
13. (4A-FE (AE101, AT190), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Remove shipping hook (eye) of the engine, but pre ¬ removing the bolt (or bolts) and unplug the receiver ¬ unitybypass air inlet pipe and fuel. Then, returning from ¬ nut and bolt, remove the ring, the supporting rack inlet temperature chamber ¬ ha (resonator) and gasket.
16. (4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171, AT180)) Disconnect the wiring from the engine timing belt cover number 3.
a) Disconnect the alternator, the wiring of the generator, transducer connector ¬ ka emergency oil pressure.
b) Remove the bolt, remove the ho-muty wires from the bracket and the wiring of-band from the cover rem ¬ AEs timing.
17. (4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171, AT180)) Disconnect the wiring from the motor ¬ telya intake manifold.
a) Disconnect the following connectors:
• throttle position sensor.
• Control speed of idling,
• (Models 2 \ H-system retsir kulyatsii exhaust) Kla Pan ¬ ¬ pneumatic circuit system we exhaust gas recirculation.
• Cold start injectors.
b) Disconnect the electrical clamps vodka from the vacuum tube.
c) removing 3 screws, remove the elec-troprovodku with the intake manifold.
18. (4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171, AT180) model 4SHO) Disconnect the vacuum 3 - tion hose, unscrew the bolt and remove the vacuum tube.
19. Disconnect the wiring from the engine intake manifold by removing the bolt and 2 nuts.
20. (4A-FE (AE101, AT190) and 7A-FE) Remove the lid of the chamber inlet excitation-
14. Remove the rack supporting the intake manifold by removing 3 screws 4A-FE (AE101, AT190) and 7A-FE or 2 bolts (5A-PE).
15. Pick up the receiver bypassing the air after disconnecting the phone line and return fuel drain by removing the bolt and nut.
• Remove the two hose system of forced ventilation, the map ¬ pa hose and vacuum transfer.
• Using the Allen key to unscrew the three 6 mm bolts, 2 nuts and remove the air intake chamber and gasket.
21. (4A-FE (AE101, AT190) and 7A-FE) Disconnect the trunk of the inverse drain fuel from the fuel pressure regulator.
22. Disconnect the supply of top ¬ Lebanon of the total fuel line (the collector) injector by unscrewing and removing the bypass bolt with washers.
23. Disconnect the connectors business jets.
Removing the cylinder head (4A-FE (AE101, AT190) and 7A-FE). 1 - generator drive belt and on-Sosa coolant, 2 - m-oscillator, 3 - locking bolt oscillator (MZ = 18 nm), 4 - bolt ¬ gained strength of the generator (MZ = 58 nm), 5 - pulley coolant pump ¬ ing fluid, b - cylinder block with cylinder head assembly, 7 - pro-laying inlet number 2 oh-lazhdayuschey liquid, 8 - sealing-ring masloizmeritel-tion probe, 9 - dipstick assembly with a guide, 10 - fixing bolt input pat ¬ № 2 cutting coolant (MH = 9.3 Nm), 11 - nut fastening the inlet number 2 cooling water cooling fluid (MH = 15 nm), 12 - inlet cooling ¬ № 2 gives the fluid 13 - hose systems subject ¬ forced crankcase ventilation, 14 - bolt supports rack-term intake manifold (MH = 39 nm), 15 - bolt support column inlet collector-General (MZ = 19 nm), 16 - support column inlet collector
17 - tube bypass air
18 - intake manifold, 19 - bolt the intake manifold (MH = 19 nm), 20 - gasket intake manifold ¬ Nogo, 21 - cover gasket chamber air inlet, 22 - bolt cap chamber air inlet, 23 - back door air inlet 24 - laying IU ¬ forward flange inlet chamber air inlet and the reference desk chamber air inlet, 25 - under seal housing Drosia ¬ selnoy valve, 26 - ¬ transported the gauge hook (eye) of the engine,
27 - throttle body,
28 - bolt housing Drosia selnoy-valve (MV = 22 Nm)
29 - nut fastening ryma (MH = 28 nm), 30 - bolt support column chamber air intake (MZ = 28 nm), 31 - stoic bearing chamber air inlet, 32 - total fuel line bolt (the collector) jets (MZ = 15 nm), 33 - total fuel line (the collector) nozzle assembly with a form-figure, 34 - spacing collar (spacer) screws fixing the collector nozzle, 35 - nozzle insulator, 36 - electric motor, 37 - bolt united bloc Ignition (contactless systems for block-bandits) MH = 20 Nm, 38 - the union nenny ignition unit (sensor-distributor with coil ignition ¬ Coy or block beskon ¬ stroke ignition systems) with you ¬ sokovoltnymi wires, 39 - y-lotnitelnoe ring case dates ¬ chica-ignition distributor, 40 - inlet cooling ¬ ing liquid supply unit and Okhla ¬ maintainer of fluid to the cylinder head, 41 - Bolt sprinkling ¬ ties cooling liquid supply la ¬ STI to the cylinder head (MH = 20 Nm ), 42 - tube drainage oh ¬ lazhdayuschey fluid from the cylinder head, 43 - grew stronger bolt-pipe discharge of coolant (MH = 15 nm), 44 - part of the exhaust manifold for a series-GOVERNMENTAL engines with a 3-component catalyst ¬ nym having worked ¬ Shih gas, 45 - the heat insulator (screen) of the exhaust manifold, 46 - exhaust manifold, 47 - pro ¬ laying the exhaust manifold, 48 - nut fastening the exhaust manifold (MZ = 34 nm), 49 - ¬ ny bearing bracket final col ¬ torus, 50 - basic arm bolt exhaust manifold (MZ = 39 nm), 51 - basic arm bolt exhaust manifold (MZ = 59 nm), 52 - Parts of the exhaust manifold if ¬ OS-experimental engines and 53 - the heat insulating top cover Issue-tion collector, 54 - exhaust manifold, 55 - lower-regulating thermal insulation hood exhaust collector-General, 56 - mounting nut production-tion collector (MZ = 34 nm), 57 - support column of the exhaust manifold, 58 - bolts support column vent the collector (MH = 39 nm), 59 - details of the chamber air inlet and the intake manifold to the engine by a system of lean combustion,
Note: This engine intake manifold has 8 of the separate inlet nozzles, co-edinyayuschih air intake chamber (cavity) every inlet valve in the intake manifold spacer channels direct-tively to the intake valves are installed servo-controlled mechanism for extra-slonki, partially overlapping channels at low loads,
60 - back door air inlet
61 - cover gasket chamber air inlet, 62 - total fuel-voprovod (collector) injector nozzle assembly with a 63 - credit-Bolt captivated the total fuel line (the collector) Injector (DOH Nm = 9.3), 64 - the spacing sleeve (spacer ) bolt nozzle, 65 - nozzle insulator, 66 - intake manifold ¬ Noah, 67 - bolt the intake manifold (MH = 19 Nm)
68 - Intake manifold gasket,
69 - Spacer (body) of additional controlled dampers
70 - seal the case of additional controlled dampers.
c) Remove the seven screws, remove the "earthing" battery ba-tarei and intake manifold with gasket.
- Gland, 11 - distribution of a lock (crimp) 14 - support
(4A-FE (AE101, AT190), 5A-7A PEu-PE) Remove the nuts and bolts, remove the intake manifold along with the pro ¬ masonry (for combustion engines with lean - with two gaskets and valve ne ¬ repuska air).
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