Check the ignition system components or elements of integrated plug-tion site
Note: the engine 4A-CE and the engine 4A-FE (with the system CDF ¬ Rania lean) union nenny ¬ ¬ absent ignition node exists, but the verification procedure is one of the elements registered ¬ ¬ Gahnia ignition (ignition coil, the distribution of the divisor, switch sensors of angular momentum, etc.) similar Analogously ¬ verifications of these elements in a unified site for bandits and ¬ ¬ pa considered parallel.
(Forignition systems with integrated ignition assembly) Disconnect connectors combined unit plugs, remove the cover and po ¬ torus distributor and ignition coil duster.
(Ignition systems for engines with a distributor), ignition coil Disconnect and disconnect ¬ of high tension wire from the ignition coil.
Check the ignition coil
Please note: The terms "cold" and "hot" ignition coil winding ¬ of subsequent sentences mean temperature of windings: "Cold" from-10oC to +50 OS
These definitions are in the future is saved and applied to the inductance coil sensor of angular momentum,
1. Check the primary resistance using an ohmmeter, connect it to the ignition coil, as shown in the figures.
If the resistance is different from that specified in the table, replace the ignition ka ¬ carcass.
d) Using an ohmmeter measure the resistance between the positive and high-voltage outputs (secondary winding).
Rated resistance: a cold ... 185 - 275 ohms when hot .... 240 - 325 ohms resistance if different from the nominal, replace the coil sensor of angular momentum. (Check the power supply unit combined ignition (4A-FE (AE111), 7A-FE (AE115), 5A-FE (AE110)))
Disconnect the combined ignition and measure the node voltage ¬ tion between the terminal "1" connector node and the weight by turning the ignition key in position ¬ of "obi" and "5TAVT."
Note: The nominal value of the ignition coil resistance given in the table, "The resistance of the windings ¬ ignition coil." If the resistance of any current obmo ¬ ignition coil does not meet the nominal value of ¬ exists, replace ¬ those ignition coil. 3. (For 4A-FE system with lean burn) using megger to measure the resistance of the insulation between the ¬ are positive output ignition coil (+) and pin (terminal) wire you ¬ high voltage. The nominal value of the resistance of ¬. least 10 Mohm
Otherwise, replace the ignition coil.
If the resistance is different from that specified in the table, replace the ignition ka ¬ carcass. d) Using a flat feeler out ¬ merte gap between the rotor and you stupa ¬ winding.
Nominal gap 0.2 -0.4 mm
If the gap is different from the nominal, replace the coil sensor of angular momentum. e) Using an ohmmeter measure the resistance of the winding sensor.
Supply voltage of 9 14V
Check Valve
Disconnect the connector of the distributor, remove the distributor and the distributor rotor spark discharges.
Table. Winding resistance ignition coil.
Engine type and model of car resistance of the primary winding. Ohm Resistance of secondary winding. kOhm
"Cold" "hot" "cold" "hot"
4A-F (AE92) 1.3-1.5 - 10,2-13,8 -
AT160 0.41 - 0.50 0.52 - 0.64 - 10.2 - 13.8 11.5 - 15.5 -
4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180): Model 2 \ W Model 4 \ W 1.28 - 1.56 0.38 - 0.46 10.4 - 14.0 7.7 - 10.3 -
4A-FE (AT190 and AE101). 5A-FE (AE110), 7A-FE (AE93, AE102), 4A-F (AE11 2) 1.11 -1 75 1.41 - 2.05 9.0 - 15.7 1 1.4-18.4
4A-FE (with the system of the combustion of lean ¬), 4A-ye (AE101, AE111) 0.36 - 0.55 0.45 - 0.65 9.0 - 15.4 11.4 - 18.1
1. Check with the probe excited ¬ stifling the gap between the teeth of the rotor angle sensor pulses and exhibition ¬ pom core inductive coils of the sensor. If the system ignition ¬ Gahnia uses two sensors y ¬ lovyh pulses (probe, "NE" ¬ Vaga angular crankshaft position sensor, and "H1" angular position of the races ¬ predelitelnogo shaft), then such measurements should be performed in each house ¬ gauge.
In 4A-OE engines without air flow, such measurements should be performed three times: in the sensor angular position of the crankshaft, "NE" and two angular sensors polo-tion of a camshaft "ON and" O2 ".
Nominal air
gap of 0.2 - 0.4 mm
If the clearance exceeds the specified limits, replace the housing distribution divider valve assembly or the housing unit for the joint-bandits.
2. Check with an ohmmeter with resistance to the inductive coils ¬ angular position sensors knee-stage and the camshaft. Wiring diagrams show ohmmeter ¬ HN in the drawings and pin numbers to which to connect the ohm meter ¬, and the nominal values ??of resistance coils of inductive resistances ¬ ¬ Cove sensor angular position shown in the table, "winding resistance the angular position sensors knees ¬ chatogo and distributive shaft" .
Please note: The terms "holodpaya" and "hot" winding inductance of the coil sensor of angular momentum in the following sentences denote the temperature of the windings chayut:
"Cold" - 10 ° C to +50 C
"Hot" from +50 C to +100 C
If the resistance does not fit ¬ Xia in this range, replace the entire distributor assembly (casing the joint unit plugs) or encoder pulses (4A-F). 3. (4A-F (AE92 and AE112)) Check the vacuum ¬ intelligent control ignition timing:
• Disconnect the vacuum (s), hose (w) from the controller;
• Move the vacuum to the diaphragm (aperture) and make sure that water ¬ ne-diaphragm mechanism remeschaetsya.
In the case of unsatisfactory performance of the regulator repair or replace ¬ filamentary it.
4. (Only for 4A-F (AE92 and AE112)) Check the Centro ¬ inevitably control ignition timing:
• Turn the rotor control pro-TIV-clockwise direction, release it and make sure that the rotor rotates rapidly ¬ excited to its original position in a clockwise direction.
• Make sure also that the rotor has no significant backlash.
(Only for ignition systems, have combined ¬ ing unit plugs) Install ignition coil anther ¬ of, the rotor of the distributor, distributor cap, connect the plug ¬ emy combined ignition site.
(Only for ignition systems gateley motion with the distributor) Replace: rotor dis-divider, distributor cap and connect the distributor.
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