Electronic control system
4A-FE engines, 4A-0E, 5A and 7A-FE
PE equipped with electron management firm TOUOTA, to ¬ Thoraya controls fuel injection, ignition timing angle, diag-nosticheskoy system, and so on in ¬ power the electronic control unit. Through the electronic control fuel injection system provides the following ¬ following functions:
1. Management of injection. The electronic control unit on-ray signals from different dates, Pins, which register change of the status of the engine.In particular, the sensors record:
• absolute pressure in the intake manifold (engine without spending measure air ¬)
• flow rate of intake air (air flow meter with the engine)
• inlet air temperature,
• the temperature of the cooling fluid ¬ STI,
• cranking ¬ va la engine
• angle of the throttle for-slonki,
• Atmospheric pressure
• acceleration / braking of the car,
• oxygen content in otrabo-tavshih gas (engine with three-component catalytic converter), etc.
These signals are processed in the elec ¬ throne control unit, which generates an output signal pro ¬ expectancy fuel injection ensures optimum coeffi ¬ ficient of excess air for these (current) engine operating conditions. At this signal the engine nozzles are managed. In addition to controlling fuel injection electronic control unit: - detects the presence of faults Gili failures
- Controls the angle of ignition advance--Aniyah:
- Controls the speed of the ho ¬ cavity.
2. Electronic control ignition angle.
In memory of the electronic unit governance laid the optimal value-tion ignition timing under all possible modes of operation of engines. Using signals from the various sensors controlling the condition of the engine (engine speed, temperature, Okhla ¬ maintainer of fluid, etc.), the electron ¬ ny control unit generates pulses that control iskroobra formation, a well-defined mo ¬ ments of time.
3. The control system of rotation frequency absorption ¬ idle (some variants ¬ va Engine 4A-FE and 4A-GE).
In memory of the electronic control unit of ¬ laid optimum data speed of idling, ¬ from the Chamber of different conditions (such as coolant temperature. On / off air conditioning, etc.) - Sensors transmit
(AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180) version without recirculation otrabo ¬ tavshih gases. 1 - starter, 2 - ignition, 3 - rechargeable bat ¬ yard, 4 - control lamp "CHECK", 5 - electronic control unit, 6 - air conditioner compressor, 7 - a variable resistor, 8 - hour ¬ quency detector rotation, 9 - throttle position sensor, 10 - relay switch the fuel pump, 11 - fuel pump, 12 - fuel tank, 13 - temperature sensor at the inlet, 14 - absolute pressure sensor in the intake manifold, 15 - valve control system speed idle 16 - valve control air supply, 17 - temperature sensor cooling fluid which gives 18 - termovremennoe relay nozzles cold empty ¬ ka, 19 - cold start injector, 20 - combined ignition unit, 21 - nozzle, 22 - fuel pressure regulator.
signals to block e-governance, which controls the flow of temperature-ha over the bypass channel (apart from the throttle) and adjusts the speed of idling in the corresponding to the specified value.
4. Diagnosis.
Electronic control unit, warning of a malfunction or prezhdaet non-normal operation by UKA refractive, displayed on the panel at-hog. Identify fault-etsya as a diagnostic code to the stored-tory electronic control unit. The diagnostic code can be decoded by the number of flashes of light indication when over-korachivanii conclusions "TE1" and "E1" or "T" and "E1". Diagnostic codes we consider below.
5. The "Pan-5a? E" ("get home").
zhayshey service station). At the same time on the instrument panel lights up the lamp "CHECK". 6. The system of lean burn mixtures ¬ still developed by TOUOTA (some engines 4A-FE for mo ¬ models of AE1 01 and AT190). This system for different engine operating conditions provide the optimum value: the injection of fuel ¬ Bani, the dose of fuel, ignition timing, etc., with the help ¬ aid of negative feedback on the composition of the mixture at work in the region T ¬ lean, then is, when the mixture composition poorer than the stoichiometric relations ¬. As a result of improved vehicle fuel efficiency without sacrificing engine performance characteristics (in particular, his pickup). In addition, when the combustion ¬ Research lean allocated less nitrogen oxides (N0) in the exhaust gases.
In the event of failure of a sensor provided emergency mode (to get to the nearest-
Scheme of a fuel injection system of engines 4A-FE models 2 \ S: AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180 (with recirculation otrabo ¬ tavshih gases). 1 - starter, 2 - ignition, 3 - rechargeable ba ¬ container, 4 - lamp "CHECK", 5 - electronic control unit, 6 - conditioning compressor ¬ shareholders, 7 - control switch ¬ leniya fuel injection, 8 - frequency transducer rotation, 9 - gauge on ¬ Proposition Throttle 10 - relay-switch fuel pump, 11 - fuel pump, 12 - fuel tank, 13 - ¬ accumulators torus fuel vapors, 14 - ¬ ture sensor to the intake air, 15 - gauge absolute pressure in the intake manifold, 16 - clusters ¬ pan speed control system idle 17 - clusters ¬ pan control air supply, 18 - valve system Olav ¬ incense fuel vapors, 19 - ¬ ter movremennoe relay nozzles ho ¬ lodnogo start, 20 - jet ho ¬ lodnogo starter, 21 - gauge tempera ¬ tours coolant, 22 - 3-component neutralization ¬ torus exhaust, 23 - ki ¬ slorodny sensor, 24 -, ¬ union nenny ignition unit, 25 - the formula ¬ figure, 26 - pressure regulator then ¬ Pliva, 27 - valve system retsir ¬ kulyatsii exhaust gas
28 • modulator pressure EGR,
29 - epv EGR.
Scheme of a fuel injection system of engines 4A-FE models 41LTO: AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180. 1 • starter, 2 - ignition, 3 - Battery, 4 - con ¬ checksum lamp "CHECK", 5 - elec ¬ throne control unit, 6 - room air conditioner compressor ¬, 7 - off ¬ breaker controlling the supply fuel ¬ va, 8 - speed sensor, 9 • throttle position sensor, 10 - relay switch the fuel pump, fuel pump 11, 12 - fuel tank, 13 - ac ¬ kumulyator fuel vapors, 14 - ¬ dates snip air temperature vpus ¬ ke , 15 - gauge absolute pressure of the intake manifold, 16 - valve control idle speed ho ¬ so, 17 • valve control supply additional air
18 - valve fuel vapor recovery system, 19 - Noah termovremen ¬ relay nozzles cold empty ¬ ka, 20 - valve system recirculation ¬ tion OG, 21 - cold start injector, 22 - temperature sensor oh ¬ lazhdayuschey fluid, 23 - 3-room ¬ ¬-component converter otrabo tavshih gas, 24 - oxygen sensor, 25 - combined ignition unit, 26 - nozzle, 27 - regular oscillator fuel pressure, 28 - cluster pan ¬ ¬ recycling system reflects following such gases, 29 - modulator pressure EGR gases.
Scheme of a fuel injection system of engines 4A-FE models for AE101 and AT190 (an option with the combustion system of lean ¬). 1 - ¬ ny fuel filter, 2 - fuel tank
3 - fuel pump, 4 - Relay switch the fuel pump, 5 - the main relay fuel injection, 6 - Battery,
7 - control lamp "CHECK"
8 - diagnostic connector, 9 - ignition, 10 - a combination of instru ¬ ditch, 11 - speed sensor number 1, 12 - Relay rear lights, 13 - switch the heater back a glass ¬ 14 - ¬ conditioning amplifier tsionera (models with air conditioning )
15 - electronic control unit,
16 - air temperature sensor at the inlet, 17 - position sensor Drosia selnoy-valve, 18 - valve system we ¬ speed control idle speed, 19 - elektropnev moklapan-hour system for raising ¬ quency of rotation of idling when you turn the air conditioner, 20 - electron tropnevmoklapan of change of geometry ¬ intake manifold, 21 - actuator system ¬ subject ¬ changing the geometry of the intake manifold, 22 - gauge temperature coolant ¬ Ry, 23 - ki slorodny sensor, 24 - nozzle,
25 - fuel pressure regulator,
26 - absolute pressure sensor in the intake manifold, 27 - commu ¬ Torr, 28 - ignition coil, 29 - distribution predelitel.
Scheme of a fuel injection system of engines 4A-FE models for AE101 and AT190 (serial version) and 7A-FE 1 - fuel filter, 2 - then ¬ plivny tank, 3 - fuel pump
4 - Relay switch the fuel pump, 5 - the main relay fuel injection, 6 - battery pack ¬ Nye, 7 - lamp-CHECK ", 8 - diagnostic connector ¬ rd, 9 - ignition 10 - combi ¬ nation of devices, 11-speed sensor number 1, 12 - switch to rebuke ¬ start (for models with automatic transmission), 13 - Relay rear lights, 14 - switch the heater back a glass ¬ 15 - ¬ conditioning amplifier tsionera (for models with air conditioning ¬ Nurom ), 16 - electronic control unit, 17 - temperature sensor ¬ Ry intake air, 18 - throttle position sensor,
19 - valve control system speed idle
20 - electropneumatic systems increase the speed of the ho-cavity inclusion in Kondo shareholders, 21 - coolant temperature sensor, 22 * ??- 3-component converter reflection following such gases, 23 * - oxygen sensor 24 * - knock sensor, 25 - injector, 26 - pressure regulator of fuel ¬ 27 - ¬ absolutely sensor of pressure in the intake collector re ¬ 28 - ¬ ignition combined unit of 29 ** - variable resistor (4A-FE), 30 ** - joint management ¬ hearth whose fuel (4A-FE).
** - For models without the three-component catalyst exhaust gases.
* • for models with three-component catalyst exhaust ha ¬ call.
Scheme of a fuel injection system of engines 4A-WE models: AE92 (until 1989) and AT160 (version without the air flow meter). 1 - fuel pump, 2 - fuel tank. 3 - ignition, 4 - ignition coil, 5 - Rechargeable ba ¬ container, b - valve, 7 - con ¬ checksum lamp "CHECK", 8 - com ¬ compressor air conditioning, 9-diag ¬ acoustic connector (T-E1) 10 - electronic control unit throne ¬ 11 ¬-date snip absolute pressure in the WLS ¬ sknom collector, 12 - ¬ ture sensor to the intake air, 13 - air filter, 14 - electron system tropnevmoklapan ¬ sheniya increase speed idle 15 - valve supply additional air ¬ Indeed, 16 - gauge polo ¬ zheniya Throttle 17 - Highway to the vacuum receivers ¬ faith, 18 - nozzle cold empty ¬ ka, 19 - electropneumatic system ¬ subject ¬ changing the geometry intake manifold Nogo, 20 - termovremen ¬ Noah relay nozzles cold empty ¬ ka, 21 - temperature sensor cooling ¬ giving fluids, 22 - nozzle, I
- Fuel pressure regulator, I
- Electropneumatic control system fuel pressure was dressed for Europe), 25 - ¬ ny fuel filter.
Scheme of the injection system of engines toplivg 4A-(ZEdlya model AE95 (1989) (with option expenses Mayor of air). 1 - fuel filter, 2 - fuel tank, 3 - top ¬ showers pump, 4 - ignition, 5 - Battery b - ka ¬ bird ignition, 7 - Tel distribu ¬, 8 - control lamp "CHECK-, 9 - conditioning compressor ¬ shareholders, 10 - diagnostic connector, 11 - gauge the frequency of rotation ¬ absorption, 12 - electronic control unit, 13 - temperature sensor ¬ Ry intake air, 14 - ¬ ny air filter, 15 - meter ¬ excited spirit, 16 - valve control system of air supply ¬ 17, - additional air supply duct, 18 - throttle position sensor throttle ¬ Noah, 19 - jet ho ¬ lodnogo starter, 20 - valve EGR,
21 • modulator pressure EGR,
22 • epv EGR,
23 - termovremennoe relay forsun ¬ ki a cold start, 24 - temperature sensor coolant liquid, 25 - knock sensor, 26 - 3-component converter from working-gas emissions, 27 - oxygen sensor ¬ ny, 28 - nozzle, 29 - D ¬ gulyator fuel pressure, 30 • electropneumatic pressure control system of fuels.
Scheme of a fuel injection system of engines 4A-CE model AE92 (1989) (variant without spending ¬ measure of air). 1 - fuel filter, 2 - fuel tank, 3 - top ¬ shower pump, 4 - ignition, 5 - Battery, 6 - ka ¬ bird ignition, 7 - Tel distribu ¬, 8 - control lamp "CHECK", 9 - air conditioning compressor ¬ inequalities, 10 - Diagnostic connector
11 - speed sensor,
12 - electronic control unit,
13 - air temperature sensor at the inlet, 14 - air filter, 15 - absolute pressure sensor in the intake manifold, 16 - valve system controlling the supply of spirit possibility ¬ 17 - ¬ supplementary feeding channel relatively air, 18 - gauge on ¬ Proposition throttle ,
19 - cold start injector,
20 - termovremennoe relay cold start injector, 21 - ¬ ture sensor temperature of coolant, 22 - knock sensor, 23 - forsun ¬ ka, 24 - fuel pressure regulator, 25 - electropneumatic control system fuel pressure, (the model for Europe).
Scheme of a fuel injection system of engines 4A-CE models: AE92 (until 1939) and AT160 (an option with a flow meter of air). 1 fuel pump, fuel tank 2, 3 - ignition, 4 - ignition coil, 5 - Rechargeable ba ¬ container, 6 - valve, 7 - con ¬ checksum lamp "CHECK", 8 - room air conditioner compressor ¬, 9 - diag ¬ acoustic port, 10 - The electron control unit, 11 - temperature sensor at the inlet, 12 - air filter, 13 - ¬ domer divergence of air, 14 - elektropnev moklapan-hour control ¬ quency of rotation of idling, 15 - valve additional supply of air ¬ 16 - throttle position sensor, 17 - ¬ ral magist to the vacuum receiver
18 - cold start injector,
19 - electropneumatic system changes the geometry of the intake manifold, 20 - termovremennoe relay nozzles cold start, 21 - temperature sensor cooling fluid which gives ¬ 22 - ¬ ny oxygen sensor, 23 - nozzle, 24 -, re ¬ gulyator fuel pressure
25 - electropneumatic control system fuel pressure,
26 fuel filter.
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