Install the cylinder head of the cylinder 4A-GE (AE101, AE111)
1. Before installation, measure the length of the head bolts of chi ¬ cylinder.
The maximum permissible
length 116.5 mm
If the bolt length greater than the maximum allowable ¬ but replace it. 2. Install the cylinder head of the block ¬ ditch.
a) Install a new gasket.
b) Install the cylinder head of the block-wood.
c) Apply a thin coat of engine oil on the threads and under the head-bol comrade.
g) Pre-tighten the bolts in theorder shown in the figure, for several passes (at least 3) to the moment 30 Nm.
d) Mark the edge of the bolt-schennuyu formed at the front of the engine (the side opposite the power take-off) paint, as shown in the figure.
e) Tighten all bolts in a marked ¬ Noah above sequence of ¬ returning them to 90 °.
g) Re-tighten all the screws in from above, labeled the sequence for another 90 °.
h) Ensure that all tags bolts oriented 180 ° from the initial position of ¬ and face the rear of the engine (to the PTO).
3. Install the intake and exhaust manifolds.
4. Install the camshaft exhaust valves.
5. Connect the receiving tube deep ¬ shitelya to the exhaust manifold.
6. Install the lower bearing support ¬ nicknames camshaft and camshaft intake valves.
7. Install right engine mount.
8. Install protective cover № 4 timing belt.
9. Install the toothed pulleys races ¬ predvalov exhaust valves and CPG ¬ sknyh valves UUT assembly. Refrain ¬ Vai camshafts for six ¬ face part, tighten ¬ gained strength of toothed pulleys (MZ = 60 Nm).
1 0. Install the head cover.
11. Install the support legs chamber ¬ Ry air intake. -
12. Install the wiring harness under ¬ connect all the connectors and tighten the mounting nuts enclosure wiring harness.
13. Set the camera to the air intake.
a) Install the air intake chamber and connect the vacuum hoses.
b) Place the tubes.
a) Install the lid of the chamber vpus ¬ ka air, and tighten the five bolts.
14. Connect the vacuum hoses.
15. Connect the hose back then ¬ Pliva.
16. Connect the pipe supplying top ¬ Lebanon to the collector.
17. Connect the hose heater.
18. Connect the drainage hose Okhla ¬ maintainer of the liquid.
19. Connect the hose supplying liquid lazhdayuschey ¬ oh.
20. Install the air duct.
21. (Auto) Connect the cable control ¬ leniya valve-throttle.
22. Connect the drive cable Drosia ¬ selnoy flap.
23. Install the coolant pump.
24. Install the timing belt (see page 26).
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