Check and adjust valve clearances in the heat
Warning: Check and adjust valve clearances in the thermal conductivity ¬ converges on a cold engine. 1. (Only the 4A-GE (AE101, AE111)) Set the piston of cylinder 1 in the position of TDC in the compression stroke. a) Remove the oil filler cap.
2. Remove the cylinder head cover ¬ Lindrum:
(4A-F, 5A-F and 4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180))
a) Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plug, the confinement of their living only for the storagering rubber nechniki Improper handling can cause the wires to the internal wire breaks rennim
b) Remove the guard elec-troprovodki engine and detachable-filamentary wiring from the lid of the cylinder-agile
a) Disconnect the hose system of forced ventilation of the map ¬ ra crankcase ventilation valve.
g) Remove the three cap nut, remove the rubber bushings and cylinder head cover with gasket.
(4A-FE (AE101, AT190), 5A-FE and 7A-FE)
a) Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plug, the confinement of living only for their rubber-nechniki however. Improper handling of the wires can cause internal ruptures rennim wires.
b) Disconnect the generator (1). of the generator (2) jack emergency oil pressure sensor (3), two clamp wiring (4).
c) removing the two bolts, remove the cover for wiring Szczytno ¬ ¬ gatelya motion and disconnect the electrical vodka from the head cover chi ¬ cylinder.
(4A-OE (AE92, a number 11 and AT160))
a) Remove the protective cover of high-voltage wire ignition system, Gahnia
b) Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plug, the confinement of living only for their rubber-nechniki however. Improper handling of the wires can cause internal ruptures rennim wires.
a) Remove the pulley and belt drive water pump.
g) Remove the guard elec-troprovodki engine protective cover number 3 and number 2 timing belt.
e) Unscrew and remove the bolts of central head cover of the cylinder.
e) Remove the cap nut, washers and cylinder head cover.
(4A-OE (AE101, AE111))
a) Remove the washer tank.
b) Remove the protective cap number 3 timing belt
c) Remove the protective cover high-voltage wire ignition system, Gahnia.
g) Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plug, the confinement of living only for their rubber-nechniki however. Improper handling of the wires can cause internal ruptures rennim wires.
e) Remove the cap nut. washers and cylinder head cover.
g) Remove the two hose system of forced ventilation of the crankcase cylinder head cover.
e) Remove the 4 cap nut and remove the sealing washers, cover and cover gasket.
3. Set the piston of cylinder 1 in the position of TDC in the compression stroke.
Turn crankshaft pulley clockwise, and combined the groove on the pulley with the label "0" on the cover of a number belt distribution pitch of the shaft (the motor 4A-CE model AI11 groove on the pulley coincides with a special index pin ¬ nym).
(4A-F, 5A-F, 4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT1 71 and AT180) and 4A-GE (AE92, AL 1 and AT160)) Make sure that the valve lifters 1st cylinder are free, but if tolkate ¬ valve 4-cylinder, the second - tightened. If this condition is not satisfied, then rotate the crankshaft clockwise cha-owl on one turn (360 °) and re-align the groove on the pulley with the corresponding label. (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Make sure the hole in the camshaft drive pulley coincides with the mark on the cover under ¬ bearings.
a) With the probe measure zazo between tappet and cam com ¬ zatyl camshaft.
b) write down the values ??of for ¬ tensor that goes beyond, UCA ¬ zannye in technical terms, these values ??will be used for the selection of the adjusting washers are not required-values. Rated thermal gap in the cluster ¬ chairman (the engine is cold). Intake:
4A-0E (AE101, AE111) 0,19-0,29 mm
Others 0.15-0.25 mm
Final 4A-FE (AT190 and AE101). 5A-7A-FE PEu .... 0.25 - 0.35 mm, P-4A, 5A-F. 4A-FE (AE92. AE95. AT171 AT180 and) and 4A-OE (AE92
AM11 and AT160) 0.20-0.30 mm
4A-OE (AE101, AE111) .. 0.39 - 0.49 mm 5 Turn the crankshaft 1 revolution (3600) and re-align the ka-Navka on a pulley with an appropriate label, as specified in paragraph 3, and check the clearances of the valves, ¬ chennyh noted in the figure, repeating proce ¬ py § 4.
6. (4A-F, 5A-F, 4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180) and 4A-OE (AE92, AM11 and AT160)) Adjust the heat ¬ divisor for the valves. a) Replace the adjusting washer:
• Turn the crankshaft so that the protrusion cam cluster ¬ pan, which is regulated by the gap was oriented upwards and does not apply ¬ Xia pusher
• Use a suitable adapted sobleniya-(A) click on the tappet and place in adapting ¬ tion (B) between the camshaft and tappet valve and then remove the device (A).
p Remove the adjusting shaybus
Using a small screwdriver and a magnet.
¦ About
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b) Determine the size (thickness) re ¬ gulirovochnoy washers ensures ¬ colliding clearance in accordance with those conditions ¬ ical
• micrometer, measure the thickness of the adjusting washer removed;
• The formula to determine the thickness of the new adjustment washers, which will provide the necessary paradise ¬ ¬ howl heat clearance in the valves (within specifications);
For the intake valves
M = T + (A -0.20) mm. For exhaust valves
N = T + (A-0, 25) mm where N - the thickness of the new washers, T - thickness of the removed discs, A - measure ¬ renny clearance for the valve.
• Pick up the setting washer, the thickness of which most closely approaches the calculated value
Note: The adjustment washers have 17 dimensions (the thickness values ??of ¬ thickness) from 2.50 mm to 3.30 mm through 0.05 mm
c) Install a new regulirovoch ¬ nuyu washer, put the puck in the thick ¬ katel valve device (A), press the plunger and remove the device (B)
g) Re-check the gap.
7. (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Adjust the heat clearance in the valves Notes:
• These engines to regulate the thermal gap renormalization ¬ valves required dismantling of distribu ¬ Tel'nykh shafts.
• As the axial gap dis ¬ oxidative shaft is very small, when removing the shaft of his confinement must be alive ¬ ¬ in a horizontal position NII, otherwise you may damage the seat thrust washers camshaft in the cylinder head, which can cause jamming or breaking, Camshaft Similar requirements necessary to comply with ¬ can install and consider ¬ predelitelnyh shafts.
• How to adjust the gap CPG ¬ sknyh and exhaust valves are not as ¬ differ from each other.
7.1. Adjust the heat clearance in the inlet valves. 7 11. Remove the camshaft intake valves.
a) Turn the crankshaft pulley so that the hole in the auxiliary gear (for which ¬ rum auxiliary gear shall be established by the US-led six ¬ nude cam shaft) proved to-b) Remove the 2 screws and remove the 1st bearing shaft oxidative dis- .
a) Attach the auxiliary gear to the camshaft drive gear with the mustache ¬ tanovochnogo bolt.
Recommended dimensions ustanovoch-tion bolt: Diameter - b mm pitch -1.0 mm, length - 16-20 mm. Note: when removing the distribution of oxidative shaft, make sure that curling effort that is passed to an auxiliary gear of the spring is removed vyshepriveden-term operation.
d) Uniformly release and remove the 8 bolts bearing caps distribution predelitelnogo shaft for a few passes in the sequence shown in Figure ¬, then remove the bearing cap and shaft BOXIES
Please note:
• If the camshaft is not removed when performing of the indicated operations, re-install the cover bearing number 3 and tighten ¬ those of its two bolts.
elk at the top; it pozvolyaetkulach-kam1 first and third cylinders of identical degree curve ¬ pressure on pushrods respective valves.
• After this series of ¬ empty and remove the bolts, simultaneously trying to pull the camshaft of a six-turn.
• Do not attempt to remove the distribu ¬ relatively large shaft exerting efforts ¬ Leah or with additional instruments and accessories.
7.1.2. Remove the adjusting washer with a small screwdriver.
7.1.3. Determine the size (thickness) of the adjusting washers ensures gap-tries • According to tech ¬ cal conditions.
a) micrometer, measure the thickness of a previous adjustment washers.
b) The formula to determine the thickness of the new adjustment washers, which will provide the necessary paradise ¬ ¬ howl heat clearance in the valves:
For the intake valves
N = T + (A-0, 20) mm. where N - the thickness of a new washer.
T - thickness of the removed (otrabo-tavshey) puck A - measured by the gap in the valve.
c) Pick up the adjustment shai ¬ bu, the thickness of which most closely approaches the calculated value.
Note: The adjustment washer has 16 dimensions (the thickness of the values ??of ¬ thickness) of 2.55 mm to 3.30 mm by 0.05 mm.
7.1.4. Install a new washer regulirovoch ¬ nuyu on tappet.
7.1.5. Install the camshaft intake valves.
a) Turn the crankshaft pulley ¬ va la and install the camshaft exhaust valves in an on-proposition to its locating pin was trimmed above the cylinder head.
b) Apply grease to the surface of the thrust is not the distribution of oxidative shaft.
a) Connect the pinion shaft distribu ¬ relatively intake valves with the camshaft gear exhaust valves, matching mustache ¬ tanovochnye labels of both gears.
Attention: it is necessary to distinguish mustache ¬ tanovochnye label from the labels of TDC and use the latest in this case.
g) After that please create dis-inflammatory shaft bearings in the bed of magnitude, while maintaining engagement of gears.
Warning: this situation the distribution of the shaft allows the pitch ¬ ¬ kam kulaks first and third cylinders evenly press the plungers of the valves.
d) Replace the four bearing caps BOXIES shaft.
e) Apply a thin coat of engine oil on the threads and under the head ball-bearing caps Comrade fixing camshaft.
g) Replace and tighten evenly ¬ those 8 bolts holding the cap under ¬ bearings for a few passes in sequence.
Torque. 13 Nm
h) Remove the adjusting bolt.
i) Replace the cover of the 1st bear-nick mark ("arrow") forward.
Warning: if the lid of the 1st bearing ¬ nick does not get in place, with the help of a screwdriver to move ¬ distribution predelitelny shaft ago. a) Apply a thin coat of engine oil on the threads and under the head ¬ bol comrade bearing caps distributions oxidative shaft.
l) Install and uniformly tighten the 2 bolts, they cover the front of the bearing a few passes.
Torque. 13 Nm
7.1.6. Check clearance at the valves. 7.2. Adjust the heat clearance in the exhaust valves. 7.2.1. Remove the adjusting washers.
a) Turn the crankshaft so that the protrusion cam re-guliruemogo valve was oriented upward Rowan.
b) Place the hollow plunger facing the front of the car.
a) Using the device (A) click on the push rod and install the device (B) between the cam ¬ shaft and vym pusher. After that, remove the device (A).
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