понедельник, 11 июля 2011 г.

Engine - mechanical part

Engine - mechanical part
• These engines can only be checked that the concentration of CO (or CO and CH) in the exhaust gas specifications.
• If the CO concentration is outside, it should first check the detector amounted to ¬ va mixture (oxygen sensor) and sensor control system of ¬ fuel injection (see "Fuel Injection System") See also table "Search for possible problems" .
e) After checking and adjusting the composition of the mixture on a normal mode of idling Nogo ¬ sure to check and, if necessary,to adjust the speed ¬ ¬ ho cavity of the (impact on the screw "number")
g) After adjustments return to the starting position all the elements that were changed before the procedure checks.
Note: After the completion of regulation ¬ rovok conduct tests to goad ¬ conditions and verify that the acceleration the engine is not worsening, sewed.

Table. Search for possible problems.
The level of CH [CO level of a fault Possible Causes
High Normal-ny un-ra-bot chivaya idling 1. Abnormalities in the ignition system:
• Incorrect ignition timing.
• Malfunction of spark plugs (soot on the electrodes, the breakdown of the "mass, non-right gap between the electrodes)
• Violation of insulation or high-voltage wires crossing
• Cracks in the cap of the distributor or an integrated unit plugs
2. Improper clearance in the valves.
3. Leaks:
• A (s) of exhaust gas recirculation valve.
• After the intake and exhaust valves (after their landing in the saddle).
• The cylinder-piston group.
High Low chivaya unstable pa-boat at idle (while the oscillations of ¬ ¬ tion concentration predictions CH) 1. Air leak through:
• Vacuum hose
• The inlet connector or through the chamber inlet air (for engines with fuel injection).
• The line of mechanical ventilation crankcase.
• flange carburetor or a throttle body chamber (for motor-fuel-injected teley).
• EGR valve.
• The system of bypass air into the exhaust manifold (for engines with a neutral-jam of exhaust gases).
• Control valve bypass air (for engines with depleted composition of the mixture).
• cylinder head gasket.
• Speed ??governor normal idle speed.
• The line of vacuum brake booster.
2-depleted mixture, causing misfiring.
High High chivaya unstable pa-boat at idle speed (black smoke from exhaust ¬ ¬ Noah labor would be) 1. Clogging:
• Air Filter
• The valve system of forced ventilation crankcase.
2. Engines with carburetor supply system (4A-5A and F-P)-Fault Car byuratora:
• Malfunction of drive damper.
• Improper installation of the fuel in the float chamber.
• leakage of fuel through the needle valve of the fuel supply or via a needle valve seat.
• Drain the fuel from the valve economizer mode cardinality
• Incomplete shielding of the secondary throttle valve chamber.
3. Engines with fuel injection system (4A-FE, 4A-CE, 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Fault injection system with electronic control:
• Faulty fuel pressure regupyatora.
• clogged fuel return line to the tank (stone-pine Backleak).
• Damage to the air flow sensor (in systems with a meter of air).
• Damage to the sensor in the intake manifold vacuum (in systems without distribution hodomera air).
• Damage to the air temperature sensor
• Problems working nozzles
• Faulty injector cold start the engine.
• Faulty throttle position sensor.

6. Potential problems and their causes.
If the concentration (level) of CO and CH in the exhaust gases outside the limits of pre-defined specifications by the conditions, it is necessary to search for faults, following sequence:
a) Check the analyzer.
b) (4A-FE, 5A-FE, 7A-4A-Ses PEu three-component catalyst exhaust):
• Check the sensor ki-sloroda.
• Check the sensor lunch-tion mixture (see corresponding sections ¬ ing in the "Fuel Injection System").
c) Look at the table "Search of possible faults in order to identify and resolve.

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