Injection system
Location of the components of the fuel injection
Location on the engine of some elements of the system threads ¬ intake, fuel system and control system of ¬ (serial version 4A-FE (AE101, AT190) 4A-FE system with the combustion of lean and 4A-WE (AE111)). 1 - air filter, 2 - throttle body, 3 - upper part of the intake manifold, 4 - extra flap of geo ¬ metry change the intake manifold (only for models with a system of lean burn), 5 - fuel pump, 6 - fuel filter 7 - fuel manifold,8 - fuel pressure regulator, 9 - injector, 10 - relay switch the fuel pump, 11 - electronic control unit, 12 - variable resistor (model without three-way catalytic converter exhaust gas), 13 - electropneumatic systems increase speed idle turn when you turn con ¬ ditsionera, 14 - the main relay fuel injection system ¬ va, 15 - oxygen sensor (model with the three-nym converter exhaust gas), 16-coolant temperature sensor, 17 - gauge detonation ¬ nation (the model with a three-converter exhaust gas), 18 - gauge the intake air temperature, 19 - absolute pressure sensor in the intake manifold ¬ rated, 20 - diagnostic connector, 21 - electron system tropnevmoklapan changing the geometry intake manifold ¬ Nogo (for system engine CDF ¬ Rania depleted mixtures), 22 - gauge of the mixture (only for engine combustion system lean), 23 - ignition coil, 24 - Switch, 25 - temperature sensor exhaust, 26 - ¬ pan cluster management system speed idle, 27 - Fuse "ER" (15A), 28 - Tel distribu ¬ 29 - - valve of UUT, 30 - throttle position sensor.
* 1 - model with right-hand steering control ¬ leniya.
* 2 - model with left-hand steering control ¬ leniya.
Layout of electronic engine control (Engine 4A-0E (AE92, you-start with 1987.)). 1 - the main relay fuel injection system that ¬ Pliva, 2 - sensor intake air temperature (for models without air flow), 3 - valve system ¬ we control the air supply (for models without air flow), 4 - thermostat injector cold start ¬ Nogo 5 - temperature sensor coolant fluid ¬ dice, 6 - electropneumatic control system fuel pressure (the model for Europe), 7 - absolute pressure sensor in the intake manifold, 8 - Electronic Control Unit, 9 - Relay switch the fuel pump, 10 - oxygen sensor (for models with a three-sky catalytic converter), 11 - epv increase the speed of idling when you turn the air conditioner, 12 - diagnostic connector ¬ rd, 13 - variable resistor (for models without the three-component catalyst).
Layout of the electronic control system (4A-OE (AT160) and 4A-OE (AE92, produced before 1987.)). 1 - the main relay fuel injection system ¬ va, 2 - Oxygen Sensor (car ¬ nent trehkom catalytic converter),
3 - coolant temperature sensor,
4 - thermal cold start injector, 5 - electron tropnevmoklapan of increasing the frequency of rotation of the idle when you turn the air conditioner, 6 - additional resistance injector auto ¬ mobile, left-hand position of the steering and no air flow), 7 - elec ¬ tropnevmoklapan management system fuel pressure (the model for Europe), 8 - ¬ th sensor is absolutely pressure in the intake manifold (the car without the air flow meter), 9 - Electronic Control Unit, 10 - relay switch on a fuel ¬ Sosa, 11 additional resistance injectors car with right-sided position py ¬ left without control and the air flow meter), 12 diagnostic socket, 13 - variable resistor ¬ sided (the car without the air flow meter), 14 - temperature sensor at the inlet (the car without the air flow meter), 15 - the main relay fuel injection systems, 16 - oxygen sensor (with a three-car catalytic converter-cal), 17 - epv increase the speed of idling when you turn the air conditioner, 18 - coolant temperature sensor, 19 - thermal cold start injector, 20 - electropneumatic control system fuel pressure (the model for Euro ¬ nN), 21 - gauge absolute pressure Yeni yutnogo I intake manifold (the car without the air flow meter), 22 - variable resistor (the car without spending ¬ measure of air), 23 - electronic control unit, 24 - relay-switch fuel pump 25 -, additional resistance injectors (self ¬ bil without air flow meter), 26 diagnostic socket, 27 - temperature sensor at the inlet (the car without the air flow meter).
Layout of electronic engine control (Engine 4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT 180)). 1 and 2 - the main fuel injection relay, respectively, for models of AE and AT, 3 - air temperature sensor at the inlet, 4 - ki ¬ slorodny Sensor (for models with trehkomponent ¬ nym catalytic converter), 5 • thermal control ¬ le a cold start injector, 6 - temperature sensor ¬ Ry coolant, 7, 8 - valve control system speed idle, respectively for the models and 2IE 4IE, 9 - gauge of absolute pressure in the intake manifold, 10, 11,
12 - relay switch the fuel pump, respectively for Models: AT180, AT171, AE92 and AE95,
13 - Electronic Control Unit, 14 - variable resistor (for models without three-way cata-lytic converter), 15 and 16 diagnostic ¬ sky jack, respectively, for models of AT and AU.
Layout of electronic engine control (7A-FE engine (AE93, AE102)). 1 - knock sensor, 2 - absolute pressure sensor in the intake manifold, 3 - relay switch the fuel pump, 4 - an electronic control unit, 5 - electropneumatic systems increase the speed of idling when you turn the air conditioner, 6 - main relay fuel injection systems, 7 - air temperature sensor at the inlet, 8 - temperature sensor coolant liquid, 9 - oxygen sensor.
Location of fuses or fuse on the car (engine 4A-FE (model AE92 AE95 and) and Engine 4A-WE (model AE92)). 1 - power fuse ¬ teley "1ZY", "Sause" and "5TOR" for models with right-hand steering, 2 - unit pre-keepers! "Threat", "Sause" and "5TOR" for models with left-hand steering 3 - power fuse "AM" and "A1_T", 4 - node fuse
"EP1", 5, 6 and 7 - fuses "AM2" (30A), AM1 (40A) and "A1_T" (100A), 8, 9 and 10 - fuses "5TOR" (15A).
"Sause" (7.5a) and "! Threat" (10A), 11 - Fuse EP! .
Layout of electronic engine control (4A-FE engine (AE111), 5A-FE (AE110), 7A-FE (AE115)). 1 - knock sensor,
2 - coolant temperature sensor,
3-throttle position sensor, 4 - absolute pressure sensor in the intake manifold, 5 - a variable resistor (for models without a catalytic converter-cal), 6 - electronic control unit ¬ leniya engine, 7 - instrument cluster (speedometer), 8 - Diagnostic connector, 9 - air temperature sensor at the inlet, 10 - valve control system speed idle, 11 - switch prohibiting launch, 12 - oxygen sensor ¬ ny (for models with a catalytic neutral-jam), 13 - Joint assembly plugs.
Location of fuses or fuse on the car (engine 4A-WE (model AT160)). 1 and 2 - the fuse box "IZN" and "Sause" corre ¬ tively for the models with right and left ¬ located zheniem steering, 3 - fuse block, 4 - node fuse "ERI", 5, 6 and 7 - fuses: "1Z ^ (7,5 A)," Sause "(15A) and the" ERG (15A).
Location of fuses or fuse on the car (engine 5A-PE (model AE110)). 1 - power connection number 1 (the fuse box! "CN", "CAIR" and "5T") 2 - block connections number 2 (block melt ¬ FIR insert "AM" and "AT" and fuse "ER"), 3 - the main fuse unit (2.0 L), 4, 5, 6 and 7 - fuse: "CAIR" (10A), "5T (5A),"! CN "(7.5 A) and" Er "( 15A), 8, 9 and 10 - fuses "AM2" (15A), "AM1" (50A) and "AN (100A).
Location of fuses or fuse on the car (engine 4A-FE (AT190 and AE101)). 1 - power connection number 1 (the fuse box! "CN" and "SAOSE") 2 - block connections number 2 (block fuse ¬ wok stand up "AM" and "AT fuse and" ER "), 3 - node Heads ¬ Noah fuse (3,0 № for AE101 and 2.0 for AT190), 4, 5 and 6 - fuses "AM2" (30A), "AM12 (40A) and" AT (100A), 7, 8, 9 and 10 - fuses: "ER" (15A)! "CN" (10A model AE101 and 7.5 A for the model AT190), "CAIR" (10A) and "5T (7.5 A), 11 and 12 - accommodation block compounds number 1, respectively, for models with right-and left-hand steering.
Location of fuses or fuse on the car (engine 4A-FE (AT171 and AT180 models)). 1 - power fuse "AM" and "AT and fuse ¬ la" ER ", 2 - the fuse box!" CN "and" CAIR ", 3,4, and 5 - fuses: AT (80A to 100A and Model AT171 model AT180), AM1 (60A model AT171 and AT180 model 40A) and AM2 (30A), 6, 7 and 8 - fuse ¬ peripheral devices: "Er" (15A), "CAIR" (7.5a model AL71 and 15A for model AT180) and "! CN" (7.5a), 9 and 10 - Posted ¬ tion fuse box! "CN" and "CAIR", respectively for the models with right-and left-hand steering ¬ eat (only for AT180).
Location of fuses or fuse on the car (engine 7A-FE (AE102, AE103)). 1 - melt ¬ Kai Box "AM2" (30A), 2 - fuse "AM1" (40A), 3 - Fuse "EP!" (15A), 4 - fuse "AT (100A), 5 - the main fuse 3,0 №. 6 - fuse!" CN "(10A), 7 - fuse" CAIR "(10A).
"The location of the fuses and fuse on the car (engine 7A-FE (AE93)). 1 • ¬ fuse fuse "ER" (15A), 2 - fuse "5TOR" (15A). 3 - fuse! "CN" (10A), 4 - Fuse "SATSSE" (7.5a), 5 - fuse "AM1" (40A), 6 - fuse "AM2" (30A), 7 - fuse "AT (100A), 8 - the main fuse 0.85 V.
Precautionary measures
1. Before starting work on the fuel system, disconnect the negative theme ¬ wire from the battery. Please note: any diagnostic code in the memory of electronic control unit STI-raetsya when removing the (-) negative terminal of the battery. It is therefore necessary to read the diag-nosticheskie codes before disconnecting the battery-eating.
2. On models with the system without pillows ¬ pasnosti work is carried out not earlier than 90 seconds after installing the ignition switch to "1_0SK" and disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
3. Do not smoke or use open fire-th when working with fuel system.
4. Do not allow gasoline with re ¬ zines or leather items.
Precautions for maintenance
1. Check the regulation ¬ wok engine (see "Adjusting the motion of the car ¬ gatelya").
2. Use rechargeable bat ¬ Rhea as an energy source for the stroboscope, tachometer, etc. Connect the probe-tacho ¬ meter to the conclusion "S (-)" diagnostic ¬ th slot.
3. In the case of misfire in the engine, take the following precautions.
a) Battery terminals must be reliably connected to the output pins ¬ GOVERNMENTAL rechargeable ba ¬ tarei,
b) Work carefully with a high volt ¬ wires.
c) After maintenance work, make sure that all wires of the ignition system correctly and securely with ¬ one.
d) When cleaning the engine compartment does not allow water to elementary ¬ ments of the electronic system.
4. When you work with an oxygen sensor com ¬:
a) Do not drop the oxygen sensor or Nogo ¬ shock impact ¬ Wii on it.
b) Do not allow water into the oxygen sensor.
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