Relay-Fuel Pump Switch
Scheme of the relay-off the fuel pump breaker ¬ 4A-GE (AE92, AT160) 4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171, AT180), 7A-FE (AE93)). 1-diag-nostichesky jack, 2 - to the castle for the bandits ¬ (O "8T1"), 3 - to elec ¬ Throne control unit (the output of "8TA"), 4 - to the electronic control unit (O "+ B") to main ¬ th relay fuel injection, 5 - relay switch the fuel pump, 6 - fuel pump (air flow), 7 - wiring for a system with flow excitation ¬ spirit, 8 - fuel pump, 9 - pro ¬ vodka for thesystem without the air flow meter, 10 - to the ECU (pin "RS").
Wiring Relay
switch the fuel pump (4A-FE (AE101, AT190), 5A-FE (AE110), 7A-FE (AE102)). 1 - diagnostic connector, 2 - to the electronic control unit (O "+ B"), main ¬ th relay fuel injection system, 3 - to the ignition switch (with manual transmission models), to switch ban start (with automatic transmission models), 4 - to the electronic control unit ¬ Throne (output 8TA), 5 - relay switch fuels ¬ Nogo pump, 6 - to block e-ky ¬ control (output, "RS"), 7 - Top ¬ shower pump.
In addition to 5A-FE
1. Remove the relay switch top-tidal pump.
2. Check the circuit relay.
a) Using an ohmmeter, verify that you have a closed circuit between you, the waters of the relay, "ETA" and "E1" and "+ B" and "RS".
b) Using an ohmmeter, verify that you break the chain between the conclusions ¬ DAMI "+ B" and "PP".
If these conditions are not satisfied ¬, replace the relay. 3. Check the operation of the relay.
a) Move the voltage of the battery accumulates ¬ lyatornoy to conclusions, "this" and "E1" and use an ohmmeter to ensure that there is conductivity between you ¬ waters "+ B" and "PP".
b) Move the voltage of the Accu-mulyatornoy battery to terminals "+ B" and "PC" and use an ohmmeter to convincingly re-quest in the absence of conduction between the terminals' + B "and" PP ". If the work does not comply with the relay because of false, replace the relay.
5A-FE (AE110), 4A-FE (AE111), 7A-FE (AE115)
1. Remove the fascia (dash) with a one hundred-hand driver, and then remove the relay switch the fuel pump.
2. Check the circuit relay.
a) Using ohmmeter, ensure that there is conductivity between you, the waters of "1" and "2".
b) Using an ohmmeter, verify that no conduction between terminals "3" and "5".
If these conditions are not satisfied, replace the relay.
3. Check the operation of the relay. Move the voltage of the battery accumulates ¬ lyatornoy to conclusions "1" and "2" and use an ohmmeter to ensure that there is conductivity between the water-you "3" and "5".
If the work does not meet the laid down relay, replace the relay.
4. Set the relay switch.
More of the resistance and relay nozzles.
4A-0E (AT160, AE92) release in 1987. Check the additional resistance resistances ¬ injectors.
Using an ohmmeter, alternately pro ¬ Believe amount of resistance IU ¬ wait for the conclusion "+ B" and the other ("№ 10" and "№ 20"), making sure that its value ¬ tion lies in the range: 2-3 ohms.
Wiring an additional ¬ GOVERNMENTAL resistors and relays force ¬ estimates (CE-4A engine without spending ¬ measure Air (AE92 and AT160)).
1 - Rechargeable battery
2 - AM2 fuse (30A)
3 - ignition, 4 - ¬ Consequently additional resistance jets, 5 - nozzle 6 - electronic control unit.
Otherwise, replace ¬ additionally to resistance.
Termovremennoe injector cold start relay
4A-FE (AE92, AE96, AT171 and AT180) and 4A-GE (LE92 and AT160)
Diagram of the thermal form ¬ sunki cold start. 1 - forsun ¬ ka cold start, 2 - to the castle for the bandits, (O "5T1"), 3 - to elec ¬ Throne control unit (the output of "5TA"), 4 - termovremennoe relay cold start injector.
1. Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance between the corre-mi-pin relay termovremennogo cold start injector.
Low resistivity
Conclusions cooling
Om fluid
5TA-5 ^ 20-40 below 30 ° C
40-60 above 40 ° C
5TA-20-80 -
If the resistance of the DIT outputs the specified limits, replace the thermostat.
Coolant temperature sensor and the intake air temperature (engine without the air flow meter)
Coolant temperature sensor has a built-in thermal control ¬ zistor whose resistance from ¬ varies depending on the tempera ¬ tours of the liquid (the lower the temperature - the higher the resistance, and vice versa ¬ mouth, the higher the temperature - the same resistance nor ¬). The sensor is connected to the electronic com ¬ block controls the output of the "TNM" ¬ torogo to him through a resistor, since ¬ quently connected to a sensor receives the supply voltage (5V). If you change the sensor resistance changes as the voltage on you ¬ water THM. "Based on these signals, the electronic control unit increased ¬ Chiva fuel supply to improve cold engine. When on-naruzhenii failure (code 22), an electronic control unit ustanav ¬ Lebanon operation in which the coolant temperature is maintained at 80 ° C. Air temperature sensor on vpus-ke is built into the air filter cover on the Executive Board, compared constructive and the principle of it analogous gichen temperature sensor gives the cooling fluid.
May 10
February 1
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Characteristics of the temperature sensor Ry ¬ ¬ engine coolant teley 5A-PE. 7A-FE.
Note: The description dates chica-temperature coolant for engines with my system ¬ lean burn) has a somewhat more stringent limits.
Check coolant temperature sensor
1. Remove the sensor and disconnect the connector.
2. Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance of coolant temperature sensor.
3. From the graph find the value of ¬ resistance sensor (depending on temperature) and compare with the re ¬ sults of measurement.
If the resistance value of the outputs ¬ DIT beyond tolerance, a relatively ¬ On the chart, then replace the sensor.
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