Install the cylinder head of the cylinder 4A-FE, 5A-FE and 7A-FE
1. Install the cylinder head of the block ¬ ditch.
a) Place the new cylinder head gasket, given the position ¬ tion guides on the block.
b) Place the gasket on the cylinder head.
Note: Before installing Nana ¬ sieve a small layer of engine oil to bolt threads and under the head ¬ ki bolts.
c) with a suitable adapted ¬ sobleniya install and tighten gradually in several passes (at least 3) 10 bolts of ¬ deft block in the sequenceshown in the figure.
Tightening torque: 4A-FE (AT190 and AE101). 5A-FE
and 7A-FE 29 nm
4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180). 60 Nm
15. Set the ignition distributor, Gahnia (see "Ignition. Substitution of mouth-distributor").
16. Install the exhaust manifold. a) Install the lower screen edition collector ¬ Nogo, securing it with 3 bolts.
b) Apply sealant to the new con-stroke surface (see paragraph "a" section "14").
c) Replace the outlet tube of coolant, the mounting bolts and 2 nuts.
Tightening torque 20 Nm
If you do not reach the bolts ¬ Xia required time, replace the bolt. Warning: head bolts are of different lengths (A) and (B) do not confuse them with the installation. g) (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Mark the edge of the bolt facing the front of the motion gatelya (the side opposite the power take-off) paint, as shown in the figure.
g) (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Tighten all bolts in from the above-labeled sequence, turning them 90 °.
e) (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) again tighten all the bolts in the aforementioned sequence of a further 90 °.
c) retaining rings, set with tongs.
g) (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Ensure that all tags bolts oriented 180 ° from its initial position.
2. Assemble the camshaft intake valves, a) Secure the camshaft in a vise, holding it for six ¬ hedral site.
Note: Be careful not to damage the distributor shaft-ny.
b) Set the following details: The spring gear BOXIES shaft (1), an auxiliary gear (2), the wave washer (3).
e) Use a screwdriver to turn the auxiliary gear distribution predelitelnogo shaft clockwise and align the holes ve-home pinion shaft of a distribution ¬ and ¬ not supporting six, and then set the technological bolt (C). Note: Be careful not to damage the distributor shaft-ny.
3. Install the distribution va-ly intake and exhaust valves. Warning: when installing the distribution of inflammatory shafts, must be taken into account by that the axial zazo ¬ ra very small, so the trees should be laid in bed bearings ¬ Cove horizontally, without re ¬ Kosov, to avoid sticking and / or damage to the shaft. 3.1 Install the camshaft exhaust valves.
a) Apply grease to the end faces of the distribution of oxidative shaft.
b) Place the camshaft exhaust valves in the cylinder head so that the mustache tanovochny ¬ ¬ pin was located not much more to the right vertical axis of the camshaft, as shown in the figure. In this position the jaws of the 1st and 3rd cylinders in uniform ¬ Noah click on the extent of the valve lifters.
a) Remove the remnants of the old sealant.
d) Apply sealant to the cover number 1 camshaft bearing, as shown in the figure.
Sealant: RAP number 08 826 - 00 080 or equivalent.
d) Install the bearing caps on the camshaft The corresponding neck in line with numbers carved on them, as shown, with arrows on the bearing caps should be directed to the front of the engine it ¬ (in the direction opposite to the selection pro-power) .
e) Apply engine oil to rez ¬ bu and the back of the bolt heads
g) Replace and tighten evenly ¬ those bolts caps under ¬ bearings for a few passes in the manner shown in the figure.
h) Apply grease to the working edge seal.
Torque. 13 Nm
Please note:
• Stuffing box must be installed as shown.
• Gasket set-point races in the cylinder head until it stops.
3.2 Install the camshaft intake valves. a) Install the camshaft pin technological outlet valves in such a formation ¬ way that the he was a little higher
b) Apply grease to the thrust (end) surface of the camshaft.
a) Enter into engagement gear camshaft intake and exhaust valves, aligning with one another installation label on these gears.
Note: The distribution of dividing gears shafts are also 'tag timing "or meth ¬ ki TDC, do not confuse them from the installation ¬ GOVERNMENTAL labels.
d) Hold the gears in the geared-rated form, lay-ny distributor shaft inlet valves in the bed supports. In this position the jaws of the 1st and 3rd cylinders evenly nazhi mayut-pushers at the respective valves for easy installation races ¬ predelitelnogo shaft.
d) Install the bearing caps on the camshaft The corresponding neck in line with numbers carved on them, as shown, with arrows on the bearing caps should be directed to the front of the engine it ¬ (in the direction opposite to the selection pro-power) .
e) Apply a fresh motor oil on the threads and the back of the holo ¬ wok bolt bearing caps camshaft.
g) Tighten the mounting bolts for the bearing caps
Warning: if the lid of the 1st bearings nickname does not sit on the seat, move the screwdriver Coy ¬ ¬ ny distributor shaft back and forth along its axis. a) Tighten the bolts credit ¬ captured bearing caps for how many passes did not ¬ (= final MH 13 Nm).
l) Turn clockwise camshaft exhaust valves for his part in a hexagonal turn (from TDC to BDC) so that the dowel pin in the position shown in the figure.
m) Ensure that the setup tags gears of the camshaft exhaust and intake valve-tion is at the top
4. Check and adjust the clearance, the valves (see "Inspection and regulation of heat-dates clearance in the valves").
5. Install the alternator mounting bracket and shipping hooks (eyebolts) engine.
Tightening torque of bolts:
bracket generator 26 Nm
Rymov. 27 nm
6. Install the timing belt pulleys dis ¬ pitch shaft.
a) Align the locating pin from the camshaft establish ¬ vochnoy groove pulley and pulley set.
b) Hold down the key shaft distribu-tion for his part hex, tighten the pulley retaining bolt (MH = 59 Nm).
• Remove the remaining oil and water from the surface of the pulley, and keep it always clean.
• When tightening the pulley bolt, be careful not to damage the head of a key block ¬ ka cylinders.
position, and mark TDC ("tag ha ¬ zoraspredelenie) coincide with each other, as shown in the figure.
7. Install toothed timing belt. a) Make sure that the installation mark the timing belt are ¬ Xia on one level with the top surface of the protective cover ¬ № 1 belt. Otherwise, need ¬
Dimo to change the link ¬ rack of the timing belt with a toothed pulley crankshaft.
Note: Always turn the co-lenchaty shaft only in a clockwise direction.
c) Check the phase of gas distribution, making sure that:
• Small holes in the center of the tooth ¬ chat camshaft pulley coincides with the mark on the cover of the 1st pitch bearing distribution of the shaft, as shown in the figure;
• mark on the crankshaft pulley va ¬ la (pulley drive of the generator and water pump) is combined with the corresponding label on the protective cover of rem ¬ AEs timing, as shown in the figure.
Note: If the label on the pulleys do not coincide with their response labels, change the (slide) zatse-Plaine sprocket crankshaft with tooth timing belt and re-repeat the adjustment, described sannuyu in Section 7 and 8.
d) Tighten the set screw on-tyazhnogo pulley (roller) of the belt under-water timing (MH = 37 Nm).
d) Install the rubber stopper on the cover number 1 strap leads ¬ da timing.
9. Check belt tension leads ¬ da timing.
Check deflection of the toothed timing belt, to make efforts, as shown in the figure. Belt deflection
(Under a force of 20 N) 5 - 6 mm
1 1. Set the segment (semi-round) plug.
a) Remove the old sealant.
b) Apply sealant to the new segment ¬ mentnuyu cap, as shown in the figure.
a) Install the plug on the segmented cylinder head.
Sealant: RAP number 08 826 - 00 080 or equivalent.
12. Install the cylinder head cover.
a) Remove the old sealant.
b) Apply fresh sealant to the first-cleverly cylinder, as shown in the figure.
Sealant: RAP number 08 826 - 00 080 or equivalent.
a) Install the cover gasket first-agile block.
d) Replace the cover over of remote rubber bushings and its closed-pita with 3 cap nut.
Tightening torque: 4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE
and 7A-FE 5.9 Nm
4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171
and AT180) 7.8 Nm
13. Install the spark plug, use a special key ¬ advantage.
a) Install a new gasket on the seat of the cylinder head, orienting it so that the protrusion on the strip facing up.
15. Set the level meter w ¬ la ("dipstick") complete with directions ¬ Governors.
a) Install a new sealing ring on the guide weight-lyanogo probe.
b) Apply a little soap of the solution to the O-ring.
a) Install the oil dipstick in a re ¬ SBO directing the mounting bolts (MH = 9.3 Nm).
16. Install the intake manifold. (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101) with standard intake system, 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Install the intake manifold with new gasket and secure it with the 7th bolts and 2 nuts. Nor ¬ uniformly tighten the nuts and bolts of how many passes did not ¬ (final MZ = 19 Nm).
Note: 5A-PE together with the installation of the intake manifold is fixed wire "grounding" ac ¬ kumulyatornoy battery on "mass."
(4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT101 and AT180) with standard intake system)
a) Install the intake manifold with new gasket and secure it 7 - u bolts and 2 nuts together with a wire "grounding" accumulators reflex panels on "mass." Uniformly tighten the nuts and bolts of a few passages (final MV = 19 Nm).
b) Attach the tube bypass oh ¬ lazhdayuschey fluid to the tube ne ¬ repuska air.
(For Model 2M0)
Secure the support column with 2 ball-Tami.
Tightening torque for screws:
Turnkey to 12 mm. 19 nm
Turnkey 14 mm. 39 Nm
(For models 4SHE)
Secure the anchor bolt and rack
Torque. 19 nm
(4A-FE (AT190 and AE101) with the intake system, providing the engine to lean AFR)
a) Install a new gasket on the outer edge of the mating of additional valves, addressed to the intake collector-ru, and another new gasket on the mating plane of the enclosure-sa, addressed to the head of the block chi ¬ cylinder.
b) Install standpipe manifold and secure it with the 7th bolts and 2 nuts. Tighten the ball ¬ you and nuts in several passes (the final MV = 19 Nm). 17. (4A-FE model, 4m: AE92, AEE5, AT101 and AT180)
Install the vacuum tubes, securing them with screws. To connect the pipes under ¬ 3 vacuum hose.
18. Install the nozzle and the top overall ¬ livoprovod (collector) injectors on the intake manifold (See "Fuel Injection System"). a) Install a new sealing rubber sleeve on the nozzle. Us ¬ to establish, as a new sealing ring.
b) Turn the nozzle to the left and right, set it to a collector nozzle receiving opening. Proceed as with all the 4-form-sunkami.
c) Place the nozzle in such a way that their connectors were ori ¬ entirovany up, as shown in the figure.
g) Install the four new isolates ¬ p and two (for engines with lean burn - three) distance (spacer) hub in the appropriate places the intake manifold.
d) Install all four jets together with their common fuel line (the collector) to the appropriate place in the intake manifold.
e) Temporarily install the two bolts (for engines with the combustion of lean ¬ - three ball ¬ ma) that hold the collector form ¬ sunok on the intake manifold.
g) Ensure that the nozzle rotation of ourselves to freedom. A possible reason for sticking injectors are-etsya incorrect installation of sealing rings enforcement: in this case non-required to replace the injector O-rings.
h) Place the nozzle in such a way that their connections would have been ori-entirovany up, as shown in the figure.
i) Tighten the two screws (for engines with MDL ¬ lean burn system - three bolt) mount ¬ public of the fuel line (the collector) to the nozzle inlet.
Tightening torque for motors: with standard intake system .... 15 Nm with a system of lean combustion. 9.3 Nm
21. Set the lid of the chamber air inlet (the cavity) and) set the lid of the chamber air inlet with a new gasket. Using Allen key ¬ Zuya head with a 6 mm, tighten the lid chamber inlet with 3 bolts and 2 nuts, tightening them in the sequence shown in Figure (MZ = 19 Nm).
22. Connect the electrical motor to the intake manifold. a) Secure the wiring with 3 bolts, then attach the clip to the wiring harness to the vacuum tube.
b) Connect the following connectors:
• plug the throttle position sensor,
• jack executive mechanism of the automatic stabilization speed idling (150 systems)
• (Models 2 \ W system with re-circulation of exhaust gases), plug valve "off time ¬ rarefaction" EGR,
• slot jets of cold empty ¬ ka engine.
23. (4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180))
Attach the wiring harness motion gatelya to the protective cover of number 3 timing belt. a) Install the clamp rope wire electro ¬ motor on the bracket and secure the wiring harness clamp bolt.
b) Connect the following connectors and cables:
• plug the generator;
• wire the generator;
• Emergency pressure sensor connector ¬ leniya oil.
24. (Model 4 4A-RE. №: AE92. AE95, AT101 and AT180)
Install the vacuum modulator system threads ¬ ¬ ha EGR call it secured with a nut. Then connect the vacuum hose 4;
• hose from recirculation valve ¬ working gases;
• 3 hose from recirculation valve to the vacuum modulator.
25. (4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180)) Insert the nozzle of the cold engine start (see "Fuel Injection System").
28. (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE)
Set the rack supporting the air intake chamber (resonator) and the right shipping hook (eye) motion ¬ gatelya.
a) Install a new gasket on the flange of the inlet chamber air inlet such that ¬ a ledge on the strip was oriented ¬ are oriented downward.
26. Set up a system re-start the air, securing it with a bolt and nut (MH = 9.3 N m).
27. (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE)
Set the rack supporting the intake manifold and attach it with 3 screws (for 5A-FE - by 2 screws). Tightening torque for screws:
Turnkey to 12 mm. 19 nm
Turnkey 14 mm. 39 Nm
b) Place a support stand ¬ Ry chamber air inlet (for 5A-FE - ¬ BME degree from the right rymom) and secure with a bolt and nut (MZ = 28 Nm).
29. Install the throttle body. a) Install a new gasket on the flange of the chamber air inlet (after installing it on the reference desk) so that you are on the strip ¬ stupas were oriented ¬ van down.
a) Secure the bypass pipe of the air (and fuel supply hose) bolt (or 2 bolts).
b) Install the throttle body, securing th with 2 ball ¬ Tami and 2 nuts in the sequence shown in Figure (MH = 22 Nm).
a) Connect the hose of the air intake tube to the bypass air. 30. Install the supply of cooling fluid which gives to the cylinder head of the cylinder.
a) Remove the old sealant and not to ¬ Apply the oil getting to the surface con-stroke unit for supplying coolant and cylinder head:
• Using a sharp blade and scraper to remove the remnants of germeti ¬ ka with the contact surfaces and sealing grooves.
• Completely clean all components of removing the remnants of the material.
• With the eyes of the solvent-Stith both contact the surface.
b) Apply sealant to the new ka-Navka contact surface of the host supplying the coolant.
• When applying the sealant nozzle tube should regulate on-Vano diameter extruded cord sealant is 2-3 mm.
• Too much sealant on the contact surfaces of non-admissible, be especially atten-matelny holes near mass lyanyh channels.
• Mating surfaces should be joined-HN for 15 minutes after applying sealant, otherwise sealer dollars ¬ wives be withdrawn and applied fresh.
• After applying hermetically sealed ¬ tic of nozzles must be removed from the tube and a tube of sealant tightly closed.
a) Secure the unit for supplying cooling fluid which gives the bolt and two nuts (MH = 20 Nm).
e) Connect the following connectors:
• jack of alarm ¬ higher coolant temperature,
• slot coolant temperature sensor,
• socket timer injector cold start the engine.
31. Install the distributor ignition system threads or combined unit of the ignition system (block beskon ¬ stroke ignition systems) (see "Ignition. Predelitelya ¬ Installing races or combined block ¬ ka Ignition").
g) Connect the following hoses:
• hose (hoses) termopnevmore formula (1) fuel vapor recovery system,
• bypass coolant hose (2).
32. Install drainage pipe cooling gives a liquid (see paragraph 30, "Installing a node for supplying coolant to the cylinder head").
33. Install the exhaust manifold. (4A-FE, the serial version with three-component catalyst) a) Install the exhaust manifold with new gasket, it secured the 5th nuts. Tighten the nuts in several passes (MH = 34 Nm).
Set a rack supporting vypu ¬ sknogo collector and attach it with 2 screws. Gradually tighten the bolts. Tightening torque of mounting bolts to the rack:
exhaust manifold. 39 Nm
cylinder block. 53 nm
(5A-PE and other PE-4A) a) Install the lower protective eq ¬ wounds of the exhaust manifold, affix ¬ beers it with 3 screws (with 2 bolts for the 5A-FE).
Tightening torque: b) Install the exhaust manifold with new gasket, fixing his 5 - u nuts. Tighten the nuts in several passes.
Tightening torque: 4A-FE (AT190 and AE101)
5A-PE and 34 Nm
4A-FE (AE92, AE95, AT171 and AT180). 25Nm
a) Install the support rack vypu-sknogo collector and attach it with 2 screws. Gradually tighten the ball ¬ you.
g) Install the upper screen-vypu sknogo collector, securing it with 4 bolts (5th bolt 4A-FE models 2IE).
Tightening torque:
For the 4A-FE 9.3 Nm
For 5A-PE 17Nm
b) Install the exhaust manifold with new gasket, fixing his 5 - u nuts. Tighten the nuts in several passes (the final MV = 34 Nm).
g) Install the upper heat protection-ny housing, securing it with 3 bolts and 2 nuts (MH = 9.3 Nm).
34. (4A-FE (AT190 and AE101), 5A-FE and 7A-FE) Connect the electrical motor,
a) Install the protective cover of the elec ¬ troprovodki, securing it with 2 ball ¬ Tami.
b) Connect the following cables, connectors and terminals: Power generator (1), n-wire oscillator (2) sensor connector Av-35. Install the pump pulley gives the cooling fluid and a belt drive generator and coolant pump.
a) Temporarily install the pulley pump ¬ sa coolant affix ¬ beers it with 4 bolts.
b) Install the belt generator operator ¬ and ¬ a liquid coolant pump bone, and slightly pull it, use ¬ Zuya adjustment bolt. Locking bolt should be tightened only after adjusting the belt tension.
a) Tighten the four mounting bolts shki Islands coolant pump.
36. Adjust the belt tension and drive of the generator cooling pump ¬ giving liquid.
37. Fill cooling system with coolant (see "Cooling System").
38. Connect the wire to the negative terminal ¬ Noah battery.
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